Dear runner,
After the torrential rains that fell this Friday, and with the new forecast that these rains will continue throughout the beginning of the night, it is impossible for us to maintain and guarantee the safety of the runners and of our teams.
At the moment, there are staff of the organisation completely cut off from communication in the mountains, and our main priority is their safety. The geography of the Serra de Tramuntana means that, in the event of heavy rainfall like today's, the normally dry ravines become fast, violent and unpredictable. Some of the ravines are currently uncrossable.
The planned alternative circuit crosses several areas where we cannot ensure the safety of the runners and, as good mountaineers, we must prioritise a sense of caution.
Right now, we can't put more teams at risk to go over the circuits. The road network in Mallorca and the characteristic of the Serra make it impossible for us to offer an alternative, as well as the impossibility of obtaining the corresponding emergency and environmental permits.
For those of you who are wondering why the ETM can go out and the SDT can't, keep in mind that the routes are totally different, and the ETM has no floodable areas or ravines.
As in an ultra, we fought to the end. All day we have kept the goal and the belief that we could start tomorrow. I only have words of thanks for our teams who today, in the rain, have been fighting.
Friday has shown us that the cancellation of the M5000 was a wise decision. We are convinced that cancelling the SDT is the only decision we can take to guarantee your safety.
The entire team of Mallorca by UTMB® regrets the cancellation. We share your frustration, but the mountain has its rules and always wins.
Thank you very much for your understanding,
Xavier Pocino
CEO of UTMB® Iberia